HCML launches comprehensive one stop Treatment Services offer


Apr 29, 2019


HCML is launching a comprehensive one stop Treatment Service to insurers and claimant solicitors to co-ordinate hospital consultant appointments, surgery and diagnostic treatments.

Its commercial director Ben Dawson said that it will deliver a faster, cheaper, better patient journey and could offer savings of over 10 per cent in treatment management costs.

It will offer faster appointments and turnaround times, slash frustrating delays and streamline clients’ administration with a one-stop service alongside its established national Innotrex network for physiotherapy and psychotherapy treatments.

Patient rehabilitation can be proactively managed by one team instead of being sent to numerous treatment providers.

HCML - Bristol Office - Ben Dawson, Keith Bushnell and Gareth Davies  - 29.3.2019 Picture by Antony Thompson - Thousand Word Media, NO SALES, NO SYNDICATION. Contact for more information mob: 07775556610 web: www.thousandwordmedia.com email: antony@thousandwordmedia.com The photographic copyright (© 2019) is exclusively retained by the works creator at all times and sales, syndication or offering the work for future publication to a third party without the photographer's knowledge or agreement is in breach of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, (Part 1, Section 4, 2b). Please contact the photographer should you have any questions with regard to the use of the attached work and any rights involved.

Since its 2012 launch, Innotrex work volumes have quadrupled and Dawson said that it has earned a reputation for complaint-free customer service, proactivity and communications.  It has earned loyalty from the clinicians and clinics in its network through responsible, ethical supplier management.

“They are fully audited, and we take great care of them. They offer great service in return and know the standards we expect for our patients”, said Dawson.

“Their quality and expertise ensures that patients get the most appropriate treatment first time, every time and this cuts delays and costs.”

The Treatment Services team in Bristol has grown from two to 12 since it was created in 2017 and is set to double its income to £5m by 2020.  Head of Treatment Services, Gareth Davies, was operations director at rival Innovate Healthcare.

“As the UK’s leading multi-track rehabilitation company, we know the challenges in sourcing patients the right treatment”, said Dawson.  “We expect other rehabilitation companies will appoint us to deliver these services for them because of that.

“Our dedicated IT team are constantly upgrading our systems, developed fully in-house, to make referrals easier for our clients and give them instant access to updates and downloadable patient documents and to improved portals.”