Introducing Dr Markus Laupheimer, HCML’s new Medical Director. Dr Markus is a qualified GP and Sports and Exercise Musculoskeletal Consultant Physician and will replace Dr Rebecca Brady, who is stepping down to return to full-time general practice.
During his career, Dr Markus has worked in leading sports and musculoskeletal centres across the world, including BUPA Centres of Excellence and the Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital in Qatar. He has also worked as a Sports and MSK Physician for the RAF and the England Football Association.
Most recently, he has worked as a physician for Circle Health Group and serves on the Centrica Health Trust Board as a trustee/non-executive director.
In addition to providing holistic sports medicine care, Dr Markus has a keen interest in injury prevention and rehabilitation, MSK ultrasound, injection therapies and myofascial pain and muscular dysfunction.
Dr Markus will support Debbie Downham, HCML’s Director of Clinical Governance and Health & Safety, who is responsible for overseeing the clinical care provided through HCML’s services. She is responsible for defining the vision of quality improvement and upholding clinical governance for the business.